Blueberry Peach Coconut Parfait

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I’m taking a few weeks off from the blog to spend some time with our little man and learn how to survive on 3 hours of sleep and baby giggles. While I’m away, some generous friends have offered to share their mad blogging skills here on NeighborFood. Today, I’m excited to introduce you to Marly of Namely Marly. We met at a blogging conference a few years ago, and since then she’s become my blogging buddy and coach as we’ve cheered each other on through new seasons and seen tiny ideas become a reality! Marly is bringing us an amazing Blueberry Peach Coconut Parfait that’ll be the perfect pick-me-up for those afternoon hangries.

Blueberry Peach Coconut Parfait--a perfect light breakfast!
Hi everyone! I’m Marly of the blog Namely Marly. I’m tickled pink (or maybe I should say blue) to be spreading some love with my friend Courtney Rowland today so she can get some much needed rest and time with her new baby boy! I’m so happy for her and her family. It seems like just yesterday I was bringing my dear, sweet Adee home from the hospital. To be honest, I was a little stressed out about the whole thing. I kind of liked staying in the hospital with nurses and doctors and equipment. They seemed like they knew what they were doing…whereas I didn’t. Not so much.
But somehow we muddled through it all. And here I am today making food in honor of other women going through the same experience. But not just any food. This recipe for Blueberry Peach Coconut Parfait is such a rich, delectable, and oh-so-healthy dessert, even new moms can find a way to be replenished by it. I oftentimes think how much healthier we’d all be if we took the same amount of care for ourselves as we do when we’re pregnant. This plant-based parfait is chockfull of healthy, whole food, clean-eating ingredients that will keep us all full of the glow of life within us.
Be sure to head over to Namely Marly’s blog to get recipe for these dreamy Blueberry Peach Coconut Parfaits!


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