Grilled Fruit Kabobs with Cannoli Dip

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I’m taking a few weeks off from the blog to spend some time with our little man and learn how to survive on 3 hours of sleep and baby giggles. While I’m away, some generous friends have offered to share their mad blogging skills here on NeighborFood. Lori of Foxes Love Lemons shares my sarcasm and my slight aversion to chocolate and peanut butter desserts, so basically we’re like sisters. I know you’re going to love her and these Easy Grilled Fruit Kabobs that are perfect for Labor Day!

Grilled Fruit Kabobs with Cannoli Dip
Hey NeighborFood fans! I’m Lori, and I blog over at Foxes Love Lemons, where I share simple yet special recipes for the “home chef” in all of us. Courtney and I have been friends for several years now, meeting (virtually at first, and later in person) through a blogging group we were in together, and bonding over our shared ties to the Ohio/Michigan area. We’ll agree to disagree on anything related to OSU / U of M sports, but at least we have similar food sensibilities.
While Courtney is spending time with her sweet new son, I’ll be here celebrating with dessert. Since my mindset in the summer is grill anything and everything, grilled fruits are the most frequent dessert in my household this time of year. This recipe is super versatile – you can use just about any type of fruit you like, and whether you even take the time to grill it is up to you. Raw fruit works just as well here. Because let’s face it – it’s all about the Cannoli Dip.
I made this sweet-but-not-too-sweet dessert dip using ricotta cheese, a touch of powdered sugar, chopped pistachios and those adorable little mini chocolate chips. Make a batch of this dip and keep it on hand for parties, quick weeknight desserts, or just sneaking into the fridge and dunking a spoon into.
Hop over to Lori’s blog to get the recipe for these Grilled Fruit Kabobs, and while you’re there be sure to peruse her recipe index. It’s filled with great ideas!


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