Pesto Tomato Crostini with Balsamic Reduction

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3 things I learned today.

1. My puppy is the cutest. (See photo)

2. German Village has stupid parking laws. And apparently I’m an offender now. (See photo)

3. Crostini means “little toasts.” (See photo)

This Pesto Tomato Crostini makes for a super easy appetizer, or if you’re me, lunch for the whole summer.  Here’s how it goes. Spread some pesto on baguette slices. Top with mozzarella cheese. Broil. Don’t walk away from the kitchen to fold laundry during the broiling process, because this will result in smoke and blackened toast. Okay? Okay.

Remove your blackened perfectly browned “little toasts” from the oven, slice a few fresh roma tomatoes and layer them on top of the cheese. Make balsamic reduction sauce, which takes about 10 minutes and a bottle of balsamic vinegar. Drizzle over tomatoes. Enjoy.

And if you’re visiting German Village, don’t park anywhere, just window shop from the car. Trust me, it’s must cheaper.

Pesto Tomato Crostini with Balsamic Reduction 
Yield: 8 toasts, serves 2 for lunch
Recipe by

2 Tablespoons pesto
8 1/2 inch slices of french baguette
2 small roma tomatoes, sliced
8 1/4 in  thick slices of fresh mozzarella cheese
1 bottle balsamic vinegar
1 Tablespoon sugar

1.In a small saucepan, heat balsamic vinegar over medium high heat. Whisk often. Once the vinegar begins to boil, sprinkle in sugar. Whisk constantly to prevent burning. Cook until reduced by half and mixture is thick and syrupy. Set aside to cool slightly.
2. Turn the broiler on. On a cookie sheet layer baguette slices first with pesto, then with slices of mozzarella. Place cookie sheet in oven. Broil until bubbly and golden brown on edges, about 5 minutes.
Remove from oven.
3. Layer toasted bread with fresh tomato slices. Drizzle with balsamic reduction.
4. Place leftover balsamic reduction in an airtight container in the fridge to use for chicken, caprese salads, or other dishes.

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