15 Fresh Strawberry Recipes to Make this Spring

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Reward all of your strawberry picking efforts with 15 fresh strawberry recipes that make the most of this juicy jeweled fruit!

Picking strawberries is a super trendy, Instagram worthy activity these days, but when I was growing up, strawberry picking day meant being dragged out of bed at the crack of dawn on the first day of summer vacation (ok, it was probably like 9 AM, but STILL), picking strawberries (BUCKETS of them) in the 80 degree heat, and then spending the remainder of the day washing, hulling, smashing, and freezing our haul.

We didn’t wear cute strawberry dresses or snap photos of us frolicking in the strawberry fields. It was hard, dirty work.

But there was always a reward waiting for us at the end of our child labor family fun time.

Mom would make a fresh batch of cottage pudding (the better version of shortcake), and we’d eat it warm for dinner, smothered in fresh sugared strawberries, and topped with milk or a scoop of ice cream. It was good enough to make us forget all about the heat, the prickly leafed plants, and our pink stained fingers. Because, oh, a fresh strawberry dessert is worth the work.

Today, I’m sharing 15 of the best fresh strawberry recipes around, so whether you’re picking up a few pints from the grocery store or spending a day picking and preserving your harvest, you’ll have plenty of delicious ways to use them up.

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